Even a minor auto accident can lead to costly repairs. If your car's frame has been warped, which is common in rear-end or T-bone collisions, your car may appear safe to drive but is actually severely damaged where the untrained eye cannot see.
If you've been driving your dented car after an accident, pay attention to the following signs you have frame damage. Any sign of a warped frame should be immediately inspected by a licensed auto body mechanic.
Is your car pulling heavily on one side when you're driving? Do you have to carefully steer to keep your vehicle straight on the road? If so, your alignment may be out, which is a sign your vehicle's frame is bent.
Pay attention to which direction your car pulls when you are driving. Often, cars will be most affected at the area of impact, although in some cases, the framework can be entirely bent out of shape all around if the accident involved higher speeds that created greater collision impact.
If your vehicle has four-wheel drive, your car will have issues when the four-high or four-low is activated if the frame is warped. Your driving preference may slip and have to be put back into gear manually if alignment is a problem.
Even if the damage to your car appears to be exterior only in nature, don't be fooled — framework underneath your bumper and fender can be severely damaged. Check the undercarriage of your car to see if any parts appear to be hanging loose (especially if you hear odd scraping, clanging, or other noises when you turn or accelerate your vehicle).
Your car may still run, but external damage leads to internal vehicle problems, including rust, corrosion, and other problems. Even if you are unsure your vehicle is in serious mechanical or functional danger following your accident, file an insurance claim and get repair estimates from an auto body mechanic. Your mechanic will tell you how extensive your vehicle's damage is in addition to giving you a repair quote.
Are your tires rubbing against the sides of your car or wheel bases when you turn sharp corners? Do you notice uneven wear in your tires, especially on the inner areas? Is one tire being worn out more quickly than others, leading to irregular tire replacement?
Tire damage following an accident is a sign of poor alignment or warped framework. To keep your tires in healthy condition and to avoid a blown tire on the road, see your auto body mechanic
right away.
If your car's body frame is bent or warped, then your car doors will often not close without force or will close unevenly, allowing gaps of light to be seen from the inside. Your doors may close but not latch and be difficult to lock properly once shut. You may also notice that your trunk or hood doesn't close all the way or has troubles latching.
Doors that don't close correctly pose a safety hazard as a door can pop open under high speeds or if the door is leaned against from inside. Don't ignore this serious cosmetic and safety issue in your vehicle following a wreck.
Even a minor accident can lead to problems with your vehicle's framework. Most frame issues are hard to detect right away and only become apparent when you notice other signs that lead to a proper diagnosis.
See an auto body mechanic you trust to determine how severe your car's auto damage is. When you choose Automotive Super Sports for your car's repair needs, you choose experts you can trust; call us today.