Your vehicle carries auto insurance to cover it in the event it sustains physical damage. For example, if you run into a tree during a snowstorm or rear-end your neighbor at a traffic light, the collision portion of your auto insurance will pay to repair your crumpled bumper and dented hood. When your car leaves the auto body shop, it should appear as if the accident never happened.
Did you know that not all vehicle damage falls under a collision claim? Take a look at these three instances where your collision coverage is not the only coverage that restores your damaged car and makes it look brand-new again.
1. You Run Into an Animal on the Highway
If you are driving late one night and fail to see a cow step suddenly in front of your car, the resulting collision will not be covered under your collision coverage. In fact, hitting any unfortunate animal such as a deer, horse, or coyote hard enough to damage your car will be covered under your comprehensive coverage.
Normally, comprehensive coverage is associated with making a glass damage claim, such as when that rock chip suddenly turns your windshield into a jagged mess. But comprehensive coverage also covers your car from damage due to vandalism, theft, tornadoes, hurricanes, wildfires and other natural disasters, civil disturbances, falling objects, and collisions involving animals.
2. Your Neighbor Rear Ends You at the Traffic light
What if this time the roles are reversed and your neighbor rear ends your car stopped at the corner traffic light? You don't need to rush to your insurance agent and file a collision claim to have your vehicle repaired. In this instance, a law-abiding neighbor will carry liability coverage, which will pay for the damage he or she inflicted on your vehicle.
Some states require every driver to carry minimum liability insurance just for cases like this. Liability coverage pays for property damage and bodily injury that you are liable for because you are at fault.
3. Your Neighbor Does Not Have Liability Coverage After All
If you discover that, unfortunately, your neighbor did not have insurance when he or she hit your car, you do not need to use your collision coverage to fix your vehicle if you have already purchased uninsured motorist coverage. This coverage protects you and your car if it is hit by an uninsured driver.
Uninsured motorist coverage also kicks in to repair your car if the person at fault had liability coverage but it was not enough. Maybe your neighbor carried the minimum liability limits of $5,000, but your auto repairs were for $8,000 instead. Also, your vehicle is covered by uninsured motorist coverage if you finish shopping and discover your car has been damaged from a hit-and-run in the parking lot.
Your vehicle may be damaged from a wide range of occurrences other than a short but rough trip to that tree at end of the street. Strong winds, falling tree limbs, or an unwary animal might be the reason your side panels and hood are crumpled and dented. Comprehensive coverage as well as liability and uninsured motorist coverage all pay for collision damage to your car.
No matter which coverage becomes applicable, the experts at Automotive Super Sports can help you work with your insurance company to get your car repaired and back on the road again. We know that dealing with insurance can be a headache, so we do the legwork for you so you do not have to worry about it.
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today to receive fast, high-quality collision repairs after an accident.